Environmental protection is important to SHEIN, and we work hard each day to reduce our impact on the environment. All individuals and businesses alike rely upon clean air, potable water, and fertile land in order to thrive, and should seek continuous improvement in the way they operate. We are committed to reducing waste of natural resources throughout our value chain and aim to push ahead of compliance in order to actively support progress on the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
In turn, we require all our suppliers to strictly comply with the laws and regulations in the countries in which they operate related to environmental protection (including exhaust emissions, solid/hazardous waste, and wastewater emissions). Supplier Partners are expected to adopt reasonable measures to reduce or mitigate the negative impact of their operations on the environment and commit to making continuous improvements in promoting environmental protection and maintaining ecological balance.
Where appropriate to the size and nature of their operations, Supplier Partners should address the environmental impacts from its operations including raw material usage, greenhouse gas emissions, water, waste, air quality and biodiversity. Supplier Partners are encouraged to track, manage, and mitigate the environmental impact of their operations and strategies, including those of their suppliers. Where feasible, Supplier Partners should take steps to incorporate how they will mitigate the impact of climate change into their strategies and business resiliency plans, including establishing scope 1, 2 and 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets, and realizing these targets through efficiency measures, including selecting low GHG products and services, and other initiatives, where relevant and as applicable to their operations. If requested by SHEIN, Supplier Partners are encouraged to disclose energy and GHG emissions management policies and performance. Supplier Partners are encouraged to take steps to conserve, reduce the use of, and reuse water in their own operations.
Supplier Partners are also encouraged to manage water resources to ensure their operations do not prevent access to sufficient safe water, sanitation, and hygiene for all users in surrounding communities, including those both up and downstream from their facilities. Supplier Partners are encouraged to take concrete steps to minimize or eliminate waste across their operations and those of their suppliers. Any waste, and in particular hazardous waste, must be managed in a responsible manner. Chemicals and other materials posing a hazard to environmental and/or human health should be identified and managed to ensure safe handling, movement, storage, recycling, reuse or disposal.
Last updated September 2022