Collective Action Partners & Memberships

We believe industry advancement is best achieved through collective action and partnerships. Together, we have the ability to impact real change.


Through a partnership with Aii, SHEIN’s $7.6 million contribution will go directly into two existing Aii programs: the Carbon Leadership Program, focused on carbon benchmarking, assessment, and goal-setting, and Clean by Design, which helps textile production facilities reduce energy, water, and chemistry use, and also, improve cost savings. Aii will design a strategy focused on implementing energy efficiency projects at over 500 of SHEIN’s partner facilities, generating an estimated 1.25 million metric ton reduction in SHEIN’s greenhouse gas emissions per year – an approximate 10% reduction per facility.


We are accelerating our uptake of materials that have a lower environmental impact in our products and packaging. SHEIN is a member of Textile Exchange, and we work toward their fiber standards for guidance on best practices regarding sustainable materials. For example, we take reference from the Global Recycled Standard (GRS) as we aim to accelerate our procurement of recycled polyester.​

United Nations global compact

We are a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and support the Ten Principles focused on human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption. We support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)​, which help guide our priorities and programs, and which will guide our future goal setting and reporting​.

World Circular textiles day

In 2022, SHEIN became a signatory of World Circular Textiles Day, a coalition of brands, suppliers and other organizations sharing a mission to shift the fashion and textiles industry toward full circularity by 2050.​